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周玉枝,19815月生,山西交城人。博士,教授,博士生导师。山西省“三晋英才”青年优秀人才。山西省优秀博士论文指导教师。2003年毕业于山西医科大学药学院获学士学位,同年考入沈阳药科大学中药学院天然药物化学专业硕博连读,2008年获药物化学博士学位。北京协和医学院与山东益康药业股份有限公司联合培养博士后,美国德州大学休斯顿健康科学中心(UTHealth at Houston)访问学者。

现主要从事中药药效物质基础与作用机理及代谢组学研究。主持国家自然科学基金3项,省部级科研项目6项。参与国家国际科技合作项目、科技部重大新药创制、国家自然科学基金、山西省自然科学基金等研究项目20余项。获山西省自然科学奖二等奖1项(第一完成人),山西省科技进步奖二等奖1项(参与)。授权专利8项,以第一或通讯作者发表论文90余篇,其中在Journal of Pharmaceutical AnalysisFood & FunctionJournal of Ethnopharmacology SCI期刊发表论文30余篇。

兼任山西省药理学会药物代谢专业委员会主任委员、中国药理学会中药与天然药物药理专业委员会青年委员会副主任委员、山西省药理学会理事、副秘书长、山西省药学会中药与天然药物专业委员会委员等。《Chinese Herbal Medicines》、《中药临床与药理》、《世界中医药》杂志社青年编委,PhytomedicineFrontiers in PharmacologyJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical AnalysisJournal of Ethnopharmacology等杂志的审稿人。


联系方式: 电话 13994229331  邮箱 zhouyuzhi@sxu.edu.cn


硕士招生专业: 药学、本草生物学、中药学

博士招生专业: 本草生物学







2016.11-2017.11 美国德州大学休斯顿健康科学中心(UTHealth at Houston),访问学者





[1] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(82074323):基于外周血单个核细胞嘌呤代谢途径的柴归颗粒抗抑郁作用机制研究,直接经费:55万元,2021.1~2024.12.

[2] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(81673572):疏肝解郁方中核心药对柴胡-白芍散收相合协同抗抑郁的配伍机制研究,直接经费:57万元,2017.1~2020.12.

[3] 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(30901960):逍遥散抗抑郁作用的药效物质基础研究,经费:20万元,2010.1~2012.12

[4] 主持山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目(2020-019):基于PBMCs代谢组学和转录组学技术的柴归颗粒抗抑郁作用机制研究,经费:5万元,2020.8~2023.7.

[5] 主持山西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目(晋财社[2019]91号):基于外周血单个核细胞代谢组学的柴归颗粒抗抑郁疗效标志物及作用机制研究,经费:5万元,2019.7~2022.6.

[6] 主持山西省面上青年基金项目(201601D021164):基于“血清药物化学-药代动力学-代谢组学”研究柴胡-白芍药对散收相合治疗抑郁症的配伍机制,经费:4万元,2016.7~2018.12.

[7] 主持山西省高等学校科技创新项目(2016120):基于“血清药物化学-药代动力学-代谢组学”研究柴胡-白芍药对散收相合治疗抑郁症的配伍机制,经费:3万元,2016.1~2018.12.

[8] 主持横向项目(02260114050064):中药复合组分质量研究一,经费:10万元,2014.6~2017.6

[9] 主持山西省科技攻关项目(20140313008-14):复方柴归抗郁组分候选新药质量控制关键技术研究,经费:15万元,2014.1~2016.12

[10] 主持技术创新-经信委项目(201399-1):山西大宗药材黄芩提取物工艺与标准研究,经费:25万元,2013.6~2015.12

[11] 主持山西省科技攻关项目(20100312031):逍遥散抗抑郁组分中药筛选,经费:10万元,2010.1~2012.12

[12] 参与国家自然科学基金(81473415):柴胡多炔类成分的抗抑郁量-/毒关系与体内过程研究,经费:70万元,2015.1.1-2018.12.31

[13] 参与山西省科技攻关项目(2015021039):多炔类天然产物的合成及其抗抑郁活性研究 ,经费:3万元,2015.5-2017.12

[14] 参与山西省高校科技创新项目(2015118):基于药物-靶点网络的黄芩单体成分抗衰老活性研究,经费:3万元,2015.3-2017.03

[15] 参与山西省科技基础条件平台计划项目(2014091022):中药活性物质筛选技术平台建设,经费:20万元,2014.6-2015.12

[16] 参与山西省基础研究计划项目(2013131015):中药材品质评控与资源利用山西省科技创新团队,经费:20万元,2013.11-2015.12

[17] 参与山西省科技攻关项目(20130313015-1):新型材料、药物、医疗器械开发和研制-复方柴归抗郁组分新药候选药物研究,经费:10万元,2013.6-2015.12

[18] 参与国家科技部国际科技合作计划项目(2011DFA32630):从逍遥散古方中研发抗抑郁现代中药,经费:280万元,2012.1~2015.12

[19] 参与“重大新药创制”科技重大专项(2012ZX09103201-305):复方柴归抗郁组分新药候选药物研究,经费:130万元,2012.1~2015.12

[20] 参与国家自然科学基金青年项目(81102833):基于cAMP-PKA -CREB-BDNF信号转导通路的逍遥散有效部位抗抑郁作用机制研究,经费:20万元,2012.1~2014.12

[21] 参与山西省基础研究计划项目(2012021031-2):基于cAMP-PKA-CREB-BDNF信号转导通路的复方柴归抗郁有效组分作用机制研究,经费:5万元,2012.6-2014.12

[22] 参与国家自然科学基金青年项目(81001688):逍遥散抗抑郁有效部位的药动学-药效学相关性研究,经费:18万元,2011.1-2013.12

[23] 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(31070295):基于代谢组学的柴胡种质资源功效评价研究,经费:32万元,2011.1-2013.12

[24] 参与山西省基础研究计划项目(2011021007-1):逍遥散抗抑郁有效组份药动学-药效学相关研究,经费:5万元,2011.6-2013.12

[25] 参与国际科技合作计划项目(2010081070):中荷合作基于代谢组学技术的山西道地中药材质量控制关键技术研究,经费:10万元,2010.4-2011.12

[26] 参与山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目(2009003):治疗心脑血管疾病红花组分药物研究,经费:6万元,2009.8-2011.12


[1] 周玉枝, 宫文霞, 田俊生, 秦雪梅, 高晓霞, 张丽增. 基于系统性思想的经典古方逍遥散解郁药效物质及其核心药对配伍机制研究, 山西省自然科学二等奖,2024.1

[2] 秦雪梅,杜冠华,武嫣斐,田俊生,高晓霞,周玉枝,李震宇,张丽增. 逍遥散抗抑郁作用及其代谢组学机制研究与应用,山西省科技进步二等奖,2020.1


[1] 周玉枝, 秦雪梅, 高晓霞, 李震宇, 田俊生, 张丽增. 一种逍遥散抗抑郁症提取物的制备方法, 2012.07, 中国, ZL 201110084715.6. 已授权

[2] 周玉枝,宫文霞,秦雪梅,张丽增,高晓霞,田俊生. 阿魏酸松柏酯在制备抗抑郁药物中的应用, 2015. 07,中国,ZL 201510420767.4. 授权日:  2017.10已授权

[3] 周玉枝,宫文霞,秦雪梅,张丽增,杜冠华. 一种苯酞类二聚体化合物的提取方法和用途, 2016.  03, 中国, ZL 2016 1 0131491.2. 授权日: 2018.02已授权

[4] 高晓霞,周玉枝,秦雪梅,刘佳丽,李震宇,张丽增,田俊生. 一种组合物及其制备和在制备抗抑郁症药物中的应用,2015.04, 中国, ZL201310546136.8已授权

[5] 秦雪梅,周玉枝,高晓霞,张丽增,马致杰,贾金萍,邢婕. 逍遥散抗抑郁症有效部位及其提取方法,2012.05ZL201010110283.7已授权

[6] 周玉枝,郑艳红,秦雪梅,李明花,张丽增,杜冠华. 一种从黄芩中制备高**芩苷的方法,2015. 05,中国,201510259517.7CN 104829666A. 授权日: 2018.05 已授权

[7] 周玉枝,郑艳红,秦雪梅,李明花,张丽增,杜冠华. 一种黄芩提取物的制备方法,2015. 08,中国,201510492619.3CN 105131062A. 授权日: 2018.10已授权

[8] 宫文霞,周玉枝,秦雪梅,张丽增,杜冠华. 白术内酯在制备抗抑郁药物中的应用, 2016.  03, 中国,201610131474.9CN 105582006A. 授权日: 2019.02 已授权



[1] 秦雪梅,李震宇主编,田俊生, 邢婕, 孙海峰, 张丽增, 张福生, 周玉枝, 贾金萍, 高晓霞, 郭小青. 中药质量控制新技术及其应用研究,军事医学科学出版社,39万字,2011.

[2] 杜冠华,张永祥,张莉,高月,秦雪梅,周玉枝(参编). 中药材【毒】古今研究概评,中国医药科技出版社,422千字,2018.


[1] Jiajun Chen, Tian Li, Dehua Huang, Wenxia Gong, Junsheng Tian, Xiaoxia Gao, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Integrating UHPLC-MS/MS quantitative analysis and exogenous purine supplementation to elucidate the antidepressant mechanism of Chaigui granules by regulating purine metabolism. [J] Journal of pharmaceutical analysis. 2023, Doi:10.1016/j.jpha.2023.08.008.SCI 1 TOP

[2] Congcong Chen, Wenxia Gong, Junshen Tian, Xiaoxia Gao, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Radix Paeoniae Alba attenuates Radix Bupleuri-induced hepatotoxicity by modulating gut microbiota to alleviate the inhibition of saikosaponins on glutathione synthetase. [J] Journal of pharmaceutical analysis. 2023 Jun;13(6):640-659.SCI 1TOP

[3] Chunni Chen, Linlin Yang, Mengru Li, Li Gao, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Study on the targeted regulation of Scutellaria baicalensis leaf on glutamine-glutamate metabolism and glutathione synthesis in the liver of d-gal ageing rats. [J] The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 2023 Sep 1;75(9):1212-1224. SCI 3区)

[4] Shouchen Mu, Dengfeng Xue, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Exploring the Mechanism of Arctium Lappa L. Leaves in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Chemical Profile, Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking. [J] Advanced biology. 2023 Aug;7(8): e2300084. (SCI 4区)

[5] Congcong Chen, Junshen Tian, Xiaoxia Gao, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. An integrated strategy to study the combination mechanisms of Bupleurum chinense DC and Paeonia lactiflora Pall for treating depression based on correlation analysis between serum chemical components profiles and endogenous metabolites profiles. [J] Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2023 Apr 6;305:116068. SCI 2TOP

[6] Congcong Chen, Ruihong Hou, Qicai Yin, Junshen Tian, Xiaoxia Gao, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Integrating Background Subtraction and Metabolomics Technology to Study the Difference of Serum Chemical Profile Before and After Compatibility of Radix Bupleuri and Radix Paeoniae Alba. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2022 Oct-Dec ;18( 80):1160-1169. (SCI 4区)

[7] Wang Q, Wu Z, Xiang H, Zhou Yuzhi, Qin Xuemei, Tian J. Revealing the role of leucine in improving the social avoidance behavior of depression through a combination of untargeted and targeted metabolomics. Food Funct. 2023 Jun 26.

[8] Li Gao, Yuxin Liu, Yuzhi Zhou, Xuemei Qin. Baicalein Attenuates Neuroinflammation in LPS-Treated BV-2 Cells by Inhibiting Glycolysis via STAT3/c-Myc Pathway. Neurochem Res. 2023 Jun 5.

[9] Gong Wenxia, Xu Shaohua, Song Yapeng, Zhou Yuzhi, Qin Xuemei. Hepatic metabolomics combined with network pharmacology to reveal the correlation between the anti-depression effect and nourishing blood effect of Angelicae Sinensis Radix. Chin J Nat Med. 2023 Mar; 21(3): 197-213.

[10] Mengru Li, Linlin Yang, Li Gao, Guanhua Du, Xuemei Qin, Yuzhi Zhou*. The leaves of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi attenuate brain aging in D-galactose-induced rats via regulating glutamate metabolism and Nrf2 signaling pathway. Exp Gerontol. 2022 Dec;170:111978. (SCI 3区)

[11] Xiao Li, Ruihong Hou, Xuemei Qin, Yanfei Wu, Xingkang Wu, Junsheng Tian, Xiaoxia Gao, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Synergistic neuroprotective effect of saikosaponin A and albiflorin on corticosterone-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells via regulation of metabolic disorders and neuroinflammation. Mol Biol Rep. 2022 Sep;49(9):8801-8813. (SCI 4区)

[12] Jiajun Chen, Tian Li, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Integration of Non-Targeted Metabolomics and Targeted Quantitative Analysis to Elucidate the Synergistic Antidepressant Effect of Bupleurum Chinense DC-Paeonia Lactiflora Pall Herb Pair by Regulating Purine Metabolism. Front Pharmacol. 2022 Jun 30;13:900459.SCI 2区)

[13] Dehua Huang, Liwen Wang, Yanfei Wu, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Metabolomics Based on Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells to Dissect the Mechanisms of Chaigui Granules for Treating Depression. ACS Omega. 2022 Mar 7;7(10):8466-8482.SCI 3区)

[14] Yuzhi Zhou#, Tian Li, Shiwei Zhu, Wenxia Gong, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du. Study on antidepressant mechanism of Radix Bupleuri-Radix Paeoniae Alba herb pair by metabonomics combined with 1H nuclear magnetic resonance and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry detection technology. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2021 Apr 22:rgab061.SCI 3区)

[15] Congcong Chen, Qicai Yin, Junshen Tian, Xiaoxia Gao, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Studies on the Changes of Pharmacokinetics Behaviors of Phytochemicals and the Influence on Endogenous Metabolites After the Combination of Radix Bupleuri and Radix Paeoniae Alba Based on Multi-Component Pharmacokinetics and Metabolomics [J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021, 12:630970.  (SCI 2)

[16] Yao Gao, Xiao Li, Huiliang Zhao, Tingling Hu, Yuzhi Zhou, Junsheng Tian., Xuemei Qin. Comprehensive Analysis Strategy of Nervous-Endocrine-Immune- Related Metabolites to Evaluate Arachidonic Acid as a Novel Diagnostic Biomarker in Depression.[J] . J Proteome Res, 2021, 20: 2477-2486.

[17] Xiao Li, Xue-Mei Qin*, Jun-Sheng Tian, Xiao-Xia Gao, Guan-Hua Du, Yu-Zhi Zhou*. Integrated network pharmacology and metabolomics to dissect the combination mechanisms of Bupleurum chinense DC-Paeonia lactiflora Pall herb pair for treating depression. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2020, 264:113281. SCI 3区)

[18] Xiao Li, Xuemei Qin, Junsheng Tian, Xiaoxia Gao, Xingkang Wu, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Liquiritin protects PC12 cells from corticosterone-induced neurotoxicity via regulation of metabolic disorders, attenuation ERK1/2-NF-κB pathway, activation Nrf2-Keap1 pathway, and inhibition mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association. 2020, 146:111801. SCI 2TOP

[19] Yuzhi Zhou, Mengru Li, Jia Song, Yongqiang Shi, Xuemei Qin, Zhaolin Gao, Yang Lv, Guanhua Du*. The cardioprotective effects of the new crystal form of puerarin in isoproterenol-induced myocardial ischemia rats based on metabolomics. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 17787. (SCI 3)

[20] Jia Song, Yuzhi Zhou*, Yiyuan Pang, Li  Gao, Guanhua Du, Xuemei Qin*. The anti-aging effect of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi flowers extract by regulating the glutamine-glutamate metabolic pathway in D-galactose induced aging rats. Experimental Gerontology, 2020, 134, 110843.SCI 3区)

[21] Congcong Chen, Qicai Yin, Junshen Tian, Xiaoxia Gao,Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Yuzhi Zhou*. Studies on the potential link between antidepressant effect of Xiaoyao San and its pharmacological activity of hepatoprotection based on multi-platform metabolomics [J] Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2020, 249, 112432. SCI 3区)

[22] Li Gao, Feng Zhou, Kexin Wang, Yuzhi Zhou, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Xuemei Qin. Baicalein protects PC12 cells from Aβ25-35-induced cytotoxicity via inhibition of apoptosis and metabolic disorders. Life Sci. 2020 May 1;248:117471.

[23] Wenxia-Gong, Shi-wei Zhu, Cong-cong Chen, Qi-cai Yin, Xiao Li, Guan-hua Du, Yuzhi-Zhou* and Xue-mei Qin*. The anti-depression effect of Angelicae Sinensis Radix is releated to the pharmacological activity of modulating the haematological anomalies [J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2019, 10:192.SCI 2区)

[24] Wen-Xia Gong, Yu-Zhi Zhou*, Xue-Mei Qin*, Guan-Hua DU. Involvement of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and MAPKs/ NF-κB inflammatory pathway in the neuroprotective effect of atractylenolide III in corticosterone-induced PC12 cells. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines. 2019, 17(4): 264-274.SCI 4区)

[25] Jiaqi Li, Dan-Dan Duan, JianQin Zhang, Yuzhi Zhou, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Li Gao. Bioinformatic prediction of critical genes and pathways involved in longevity in Drosophila melanogaster. Mol Genet Genomics. 2019 Dec;294(6):1463-1475.

[26] Dandekar MP, Saxena A, Scaini G, Shin JH, Migut A, Giridharan VV, Yuzhi Zhou, Barichello T, Soares JC, Quevedo J, Fenoy AJ. Medial Forebrain Bundle Deep Brain Stimulation Reverses Anhedonic-Like Behavior in a Chronic Model of Depression: Importance of BDNF and Inflammatory Cytokines. Mol Neurobiol. 2019 Jun;56(6):4364-4380.

[27] Fanfan Zhao, Li Gao, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du and Yu-Zhi Zhou*. The intervention effect of licorice in D-galactose induced aging rats by regulating the taurine metabolic pathway. Food & Function, 2018, 9, 4814-4821.SCI 1TOP

[28] Yu-zhi Zhou, Li-ying Xue, Li Gao, Xue-mei Qin, Guan-hua Du. Ginger extract extends the lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster through antioxidation and ameliorating metabolic dysfunction. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 49, 295-305.SCI 2TOP

[29] Fanfan Zhao, Yanfen Chang, Li Gao, Xuemei Qin, Guanhua Du, Xiang Zhang, Yuzhi Zhou*. Protective effects of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi extract on D-galactose induced aging rats. Metabolic Brain Disease, 2018, 33: 1401-1412. SCI 3区)引用5

[30] Jiaqi Li, Yuzhi Zhou, Guanhua Du, Xuemei Qin, Li Gao. Bioinformatic Analysis Reveals Key Genes and Pathways in Aging Brain of Senescence-accelerated Mouse P8 (SAMP8). CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2018;17(9):712-722.

[31] Tian JS, Liu SB, He XY, Xiang H, Chen JL, Gao Y, Zhou YZ, Qin XM. Metabolomics studies on corticosterone-induced PC12 cells: A strategy for evaluating an in vitro depression model and revealing the metabolic regulation mechanism. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2018 Sep-Oct;69:27-38.

[32] Gao L, Li J, Zhou Y, Huang X, Qin X, Du G. Effects of Baicalein on Cortical Proinflammatory Cytokines and the Intestinal Microbiome in Senescence Accelerated Mouse Prone 8. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2018 Jul 18;9(7):1714-1724.

[33] Gao L, Wang KX, Zhou YZ, Fang JS, Qin XM, Du GH. Uncovering the anticancer mechanism of Compound Kushen Injection against HCC by integrating quantitative analysis, network analysis and experimental validation. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 12;8(1):624.

[34] Yu-zhi Zhou#, Xiao Li#, Wen-xia Gong, Jun-sheng Tian, Xiao-xia Gao, Li Gao, Xiang Zhang, Guan-hua Dud and Xue-mei Qin*. Protective effect of isoliquiritin against corticosterone-induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cells [J]. Food & Function, 2017, 8(3):1235-1244.SCI 1TOP

[35] Yu-zhi Zhou*, Ming-liang Yan, Li Gao, Jian-qing Zhang, Xue-mei Qin* Xiang Zhang, Guan-hua Du. Metabonomics approach to assessing the metabolism variation and gender gap of Drosophila melanogaster in aging process[J]. Experimental Gerontology, 2017, 98, 110-119.SCI 2区)

[36] Yu-zhi Zhou*, Fan-fan Zhao, Li Gao, Guan-hua Du, Xiang Zhang, Xue-mei Qin*. Licorice extract attenuates brain aging of D-galactose induced rats through inhibition of oxidative stress and attenuation of neuronal apoptosis[J]. Rsc Advances, 2017, 7(75): 47758-47766.SCI 2区)

[37] Wen-Xia Gong, Yu-Zhi Zhou*, Xiao Li, Xiao-Xia Gao, Jun-Sheng Tian, Xue-Mei Qin*, Guan-Hua Du. Neuroprotective and Cytotoxic Phthalides from Angelicae Sinensis Radix. Molecules. 2016, 21 (549):1-15.SCI 3区)

[38] Peng G J, Tian J S*, Gao X X, Zhou YZ, Qin XM. Research on the Pathological Mechanism and Drug Treatment Mechanism of Depression[J]. Current Neuropharmacology, 2015;13(4): 514-23.SCI 3区)

[39] Cai-Chun Liu, Yan-Fei Wu, Guang-Ming Feng, Xiao-Xia Gao, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Wen-Jing Hou, Xue-Mei Qin, Guan-Hua Du, Jun-Sheng Tian*. Plasma- metabolite-biomarkers for the therapeutic response in depressed patients by the traditional Chinese medicine formula Xiaoyaosan:A 1H NMR-based metabolomics approach[J]. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2015, 185:156-163.SCI 3区)

[40] Jun-sheng Tian, Guo-jiang Peng, Xiao-xia Gao, Yu-zhi Zhou, Jie Xing, Xue-mei Qin*, Guan-hua. DuDynamic analysis of the endogenous metabolites in depressed patients treated with TCM formula Xiaoyaosan using urinary (1)H NMR-based metabolomics.[J]. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2014, 158 :1–10. SCI 3区)

[41] Yu-zhi Zhou*, Jin-bing Li, Xue-mei Qin. Study on the best compatibility and spectrum-activity relationship of Xiaoyaosan antidepressant effective fractions based on CUMS model, Acta Pharmacologica Sinia, 34, 48, 2013.

[42] Xiao-Xia Gao, Jie Cui, Xing-Yu Zheng, Zhen-Yu Li, Young-Hae Choi, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Jun-Sheng Tian, Jie Xing, Xiao-Jie Tan, Guan-Hua Du, Xue-Mei Qin*. An investigation of the antidepressant action of xiaoyaosan in rats using ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry combined with metabonomics [J]. Phytotherapy Research, 2013, 27(7):10741085.SCI 3区)

[43] Yu-Zhi Zhou*, Yan-Ling Ren, Zhi-Jie Ma, Guang-Cheng Jia, Xiao-Xia Gao, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xue-Mei Qin*. Identification and quantification of the major volatile constituents in antidepressant active fraction of xiaoyaosan by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2012, 141: 187-192.SCI 3区)

[44] Yu-Zhi Zhou, Xing-Yu Zheng, Xiao-Jie Liu, Zhen-Yu Li, Xiao-Xia Gao, Hai-Feng Sun, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xiao-Qing Guo, Guan-Hua Du, Xue-Mei Qin*. Metabonomic Analysis of Urine from Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Rats Using Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry. Chromatographia. 2012,75:157-164.SCI 4区)

[45] Xiao-Jie Liu, Yu-Zhi Zhou (共同第一作者), Zhong-Feng Li, Jie Cui, Zhen-Yu Li, Xiao-Xia Gao,Hai-Feng Sun, Li-Zeng Zhang, Guan-Hua Du, Xue-Mei Qin*. Anti-depressant effects of Xiaoyaosan on rat model chronic unpredictable mild stress a plasma metabonomics study based on NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2012,64:578-588.SCI 3区)

[46] Xiao-Jie Liu, Zhen-Yu Li, Zhong-Feng Li, Xiao-Xia Gao, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Hai-Feng Sun, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xiao-Qing Guo, Guan-Hua Du, Xue-Mei Qin. Urinary metabonomic study using a CUMS rat model of depression. Magnetic Resonance in chemisty. 2012, 50, 187-192.

[47] Xiao-Xia Gao, Xing-Yu Zheng, Zhen-Yu Li, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Hai-Feng Sun, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xiao-Qing Guo, Guan-Hua Du, Xue-Mei Qin. Metabonomic study on chronic unpredictable mild stress and intervention effects of Xiaoyaosan in rats using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011, 137 (1): 690-699.SCI 3区)

[48] Yu-Zhi Zhou*, Lin-Lin Lu, Zhong-Feng Li, Xiao-Xia Gao, Jun-Sheng Tian, Li-Zeng Zhang, Bin Wu, Xue-Mei Qin*. Antidepressant-like effects of the fractions of Xiaoyaosan on rat model of chronic unpredictable mild stress. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011,137: 236-244.SCI 3区)

[49] Zhen-Yu Li, Xing-Yu Zheng, Xiao-Xia Gao, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Hai-Feng Sun, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xiao-Qing Guo, Guan-Hua Du, Xue-Mei Qin. Study of plasma metabolic profiling and biomarkers of chronic unpredictable mild stress rats based on gas chromatograpgh/mass spectrometry. Rapid communications in mass nspectrometry. 2010, 24, 3539-3546.SCI 3区)

[50] Yun-Tao Dai, Zhen-Yu Li, Li-Ming Xue, Chun-Yan Dou, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xue-Mei Qin. Metabolomics study on the anti-depression effect of xiaoyaosan on rat model. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2010, 128, 482-489. SCI 3区)

[51] Yu-zhi Zhou, Huan Chen, Li Qiao, Xuan Lu, Hui-Ming Hua, Yue-Hu Pei. Five new Aromatic Glucosides from Carthamus tinctorius. Helv.Chim.Acta., 2008, 91, 1277-1285.

[52] Yu-Zhi Zhou, Li Qiao, Huan Chen, Rui-Feng Li, Hui-Ming Hua, Yue-Hu Pei. New aromatic glucosides from Carthamus tinctorius. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2008, 10 (10), 817-821.SCI 4区)

[53] Huan Chen, Nan Xu, Yu-zhi Zhou, Li Qiao, Jia-qing Cao, Yao Yao, Hui-ming Hua, Yue-hu Pei. Steroidal glycosides from the roots of Cynanchum amplexicaule Sieb. et Zucc. Steroids, 2008, 73 (6), 629-636.SCI 3区)

[54] Yu-zhi Zhou, Huan Chen, Li Qiao, Nan Xu, Jia-Qing Cao, Yue-Hu Pei. Two new compounds from Carthamus tinctorius. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2008, 10 (5), 429-433.SCI 4区)

[55] Hong-Yu Ma, Yi Sun, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Min Hong, Yue-Hu Pei. Two new constituents from Artemisia capillaris thumb, 2008, 13 (2), 267-271.(SCI)

[56] Li Qiao, Yong-Fu Huang, Jia-Qing Cao, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Xiu-Lan Qi, Yue-Hu Pei. One new bufadienolide from Chinese drug "Chan'Su". Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2008, 10 (3), 224-227.SCI 4区)

[57] Huan Chen, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Li Qiao, Yao Yao, Jia-Qing Cao, Hui-Ming Hua, Yue-Hu Pei. Two new compounds from Cynanchum amplexicaule. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2008, 10 (3), 248-251. SCI 4区)

[58] Huan Chen, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Li Qiao, Jia-Qing Cao, Yao Yao, Hui-Ming Hua, Yue-Hu Pei. Androstane and monoterpene glucoside sinapoyl ester from Cynanchum amplexicaule SIEB. et Zucc. Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2007, 55 (9), 1416-1418.

[59] Li Qiao, Yu-zhi Zhou, Xiu-lan Qi, Li-hong Lin, Huan Chen, Li-yan Pang, Yue-hu Pei. Biotransformation of cinobufagin by Cunninghamella elegans. Journal of Antibiotics, 2007, 60 (4), 261-264.SCI 4区)

[60] Jia-Qing Cao, Yao Yao, Huan Chen, Li Qiao, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Yue-Hu Pei. A new xanthene from Blumea riparia. Chinese Chemical Letter. 2007, 18 (3), 303-305. SCI 4区)

[61] Yu-zhi Zhou, Hong-yu Ma, Huan Chen, Li Qiao, Yao Yao, Jia-Qing Cao, Yue-Hu Pei. Two new Acetylenic Glucosides from Carthamus tinctorius. Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2006, 54 (10), 1455-1456.

[62] 陈佳俊,周玉枝*,秦雪梅*. 代谢组学技术在生物医药领域研究中的创新与应用[J].药学学报, 2023, 58(08): 2271-2282.

[63] 程鹏飞,王涛,陈聪聪,秦雪梅,杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 基于植物代谢组学和靶标定量分析研究山西不同产地黄芩叶化学成分差异[J].药学学报, 2023, 58(07): 1867-1879.

[64] 陈佳俊, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 基于内源性大麻素系统的抑郁症发病机制及其在中药研究中的应用[J]. 中草药, 2022, 53(19): 6273-6282.

[65] 王力文, 黄德华, 田俊生, 高晓霞, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 基于外周血单个核细胞转录组学的柴归颗粒抗抑郁作用机制研究[J]. 中草药, 2022, 53(07): 2031-2043.

[66] 黄德华, 王力文, 宫文霞, 田俊生, 高晓霞, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 基于血浆代谢组学和网络分析研究柴归颗粒的抗抑郁作用机制[J]. 药学学报, 2022, 57(05): 1420-1428.

[67] 王力文, 黄德华, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 基于PBMCs多组学技术的抑郁症发病机制研究进展[J]. 中药药理与临床, 2022, 38(03): 206-212.

[68] 罗丹, 李媛媛, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 黄芩叶总提物对急性醉酒小鼠的解酒护肝作用[J]. 山西医科大学学报, 2022, 53(02): 182-191.

[69] 李添, 李肖, 田俊生, 高晓霞, 秦雪梅, 周玉枝*. 基于~1H-NMR代谢组学探讨柴胡-白芍药对“疏肝解郁”的代谢调控途径[J]. 中国现代中药, 2021, 23(08): 1380-1390.

[70] 李添, 李肖, 田俊生, 高晓霞, 秦雪梅, 周玉枝*. 基于~1H-NMR肝脏代谢组学的白芍抗抑郁作用研究[J].中医药学报, 2021, 49(08): 17-26.

[71] 陈佳俊, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 基于嘌呤能系统及嘌呤代谢的抑郁症发病机制研究进展[J/OL]. 药学学报, 2021:1-17.

[72] 杨琳琳, 柴建新, 陈强, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 靶向代谢组学应用于衰老相关疾病的研究进展[J]. 药学进展, 2021, 45(01): 55-64.

[73] 李萌茹, 周玉枝*, 柴建新, 陈强, 高丽, 杜冠华, 秦雪梅. 基于~(1)H NMR尿液代谢组学的黄芩不同生长部位抗衰老作用研究[J/OL].药学学报: 2020, 55(11): 2702-2712.

[74] 陈聪聪, 阴奇材, 田俊生, 高晓霞, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 基于肝脏代谢组学的柴胡-白芍药对抗抑郁作用机制研究[J]. 药学学报, 2020, 55(5): 941-949.

[75] 庞溢媛, 周玉枝*, 宋佳, 杜冠华, 秦雪梅*. 基于1H NMR血清和肝脏代谢组学的黄芩叶抗衰老作用研究. 药学学报. 2020. 55 (1): 74-82.

[76] 冯雪, 周玉枝*, 柴建新, 陈强, , 杜冠华, 秦雪梅*. 基于1H-NMR代谢组学的黄芩叶茶与黄芩叶水提物延长果蝇寿命研究[J]. 药学学报. 2020. 55(6): 1214 −1221.

[77] 杨琳琳, 柴建新, 陈强, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*.基于LC-MS代谢组学技术的不同采收期黄芩叶化学成分比较研究[J]. 山西医科大学学报. 2020, 51(11): 1244-1254.

[78] 阴奇材, 陈聪聪, 田俊生, 高晓霞, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*.基于 UPLC-QE-Orbitrap-MS 技术的柴胡-白芍药对血清药物化学分析. 药学学报. 2019, 54(12): 2296 −2302.

[79] 冯雪, 高丽, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 果蝇在抗衰老药物研究中的应用[J].药物评价研究, 2019, 42(08): 1489-1497.

[80] 李萌茹, 周玉枝*, 杜冠华, 秦雪梅. 中药黄酮类化合物抗衰老作用及其机制研究进展[J/OL]. 药学学报, 2019, 54 (5): 808-817.

[81] 陈聪聪, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 中药有效组分“配伍艺术”的研究基础--组分配比研究策略[J/OL]. 药学学报, 2019, 54 (5): 808-817.

[82] 朱十伟, 宫文霞, 陈聪聪, 阴奇材, 李肖, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*.基于~1H NMR代谢组学技术的柴胡-白芍药对对逍遥散的贡献研究[J].药学学报, 2019 (04): 720-728.

[83] 宋佳, 庞溢媛, 高丽, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*.基于血清代谢组学的黄芩花干预D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠作用研究[J]. 药学学报, 2019, 54 (03): 533-539.

[84] 朱十伟, 薛立英, 高丽, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*.黄芩不同洗脱部位化学成分分析及抗衰老活性研究[J]. 山西医科大学学报, 2019, 50 (02): 175-180.

[85] 朱十伟, 高晓霞, 田俊生, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*.中药抗抑郁药对研究进展[J]. 药学学报, 2019, 54 (02): 235-244.

[86] 薛立英,高丽,秦雪梅,杜冠华,周玉枝*. 汉黄芩苷通过调节抗氧化基因表达和机体代谢延长果蝇寿命[J].中国生物化学与分子生物学报,2018344),404-416. (一级主学报)

[87] 贺晶,高晓霞,田俊生,秦雪梅,杜冠华,周玉枝*. UPLC-MS背景扣除法联合代谢组学技术分析柴胡-白芍药对配伍前后化学成分变化[J]. 中草药, 2018, 49(8): 1779-1788. (一级主学报)

[88] 贺晶,高晓霞,周玉枝* . UPLC-MS分析柴胡、白芍水煎液的化学成分及其对逍遥散的贡献[J].山西医科大学报, 2018, 49(4):367-374.

[89] 周玉枝, 闫明亮, 高丽, 秦雪梅*, 杜冠华. 衰老动物模型的研究及其在抗衰老药物活性筛选中的应用[J]. 中草药, 2017, 48(6): 1061-1071.

[90] 赵凡凡, 李肖, 高丽, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 甘草水提物干预D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠的肝脏代谢组学研究[J]. 中草药, 2017, 48 (17): 3545-3553.

[91] 赵凡凡, 周玉枝*, 高丽, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华. D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠模型的研究进展[J]. 药学学报, 2017(3): 347-354.

[92] 薛立英, , 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*, 药食同源中药抗衰老研究进展. 食品科学, 2017, Vol.38, No.15302-309.

[93] 赵凡凡, 周玉枝*, 常艳芬, 高丽, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 张翔. 基于1H-NMR代谢组学技术的D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠尿液代谢谱的动态变化. 中国药理学与毒理学报, 2017, 31(6): 514-525.

[94] 庞溢媛, 薛立英, 郑艳红, 周玉枝*, 秦雪梅,杜冠华, 张翔. 基于UHPLC-MS/MS代谢组学技术的不同采收期黄芩质量比较研究[J]. 药学学报, 2017(12): 1903-1909.

[95] 宋佳, 高晓霞, 田俊生, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 周玉枝*. 中药药对配伍机制的现代研究[J]. 中草药, 2017, 48(21): 4367-4374.

[96] 闫明亮, 周玉枝*, 李明花, 高丽, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华. 基于1H-NMR代谢组学的黄芩醇提物延长果蝇寿命研究 [J]. 中草药, 2016, 47(10): 1714-1723. (一级主学报)

[97] 闫明亮, 周玉枝*, 高丽, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华. 果蝇性别相关代谢组学差异的1H-NMR分析 [J]. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报, 2016, 32(4): 418-425. (一级主学报)

[98] 常艳芬, 宫文霞, 郑艳红, 李建伟, 周玉枝*, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华. 黄芩醇提物干预D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠的尿液代谢组学研究. 药学学报,2016, 51 (1): 86-92. (一级主学报)

[99] 宫文霞, 周玉枝*, 李肖,高丽,王月华,田俊生,高晓霞,秦雪梅,杜冠华*. 逍遥散中当归的抗抑郁活性成分的研究[J]. 中草药, 2015, 46(19):2856-2862. (一级主学报)

[100] 李肖, 宫文霞, 周玉枝*,高丽,高晓霞,田俊生,秦雪梅,杜冠华. 逍遥散中抗抑郁有效成分及其作用机制研究进展[J]. 中草药, 2015, 46(20):3109-3116. (一级主学报)

[101] 郑艳红,常艳芬,周玉枝* ,秦雪梅,杜冠华. 黄芩中黄芩苷提取精制工艺研究. 山西医科大学学报,2015,46 (11):1106-1110.

[102] 高耀,高丽,高晓霞,周玉枝,秦雪梅,田俊生*. 基于网络药理学的逍遥散抗抑郁活性成分作用靶点研究[J]. 药学学报, 2015(12). (一级主学报)

[103] 陈磊,刘欢,陈建丽,高晓霞,周玉枝,田俊生*,秦雪梅. 基于神经内分泌激素和代谢组学关联分析的复方柴归方抗抑郁作用机制研究[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2015, 40(20):4080-4087.

[104] 方媛,张峰,刘佳丽,周玉枝,田俊生,秦雪梅,高晓霞*. 柴胡中多炔类化合物的分离鉴定及定量测定[J]. 中草药, 2015, 46(16):2365-2370. (一级主学报)

[105] 田俊生, 左亚妹, 周玉枝,. 逍遥散超临界CO_2提取物的UPLC-PDA指纹图谱及特征成分的含量测定[J]. 中国医药工业杂志, 2015, 46(5).

[106] 陈磊,郑晓芬,高晓霞,周玉枝,郭晓擎,田俊生* ,秦雪梅*. 代谢组学研究复方柴归方超临界CO2提取物抗抑郁作用及其机制[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2014, 39(14):2744-2750.

[107] 陈建丽, 田俊生, 周玉枝,. 基于代谢网络调控的逍遥散抗抑郁作用机制研究进展[J]. 中草药, 2014(14). (一级主学报)

[108] 左亚妹, 田俊生*, 郭晓擎, 周玉枝,高晓霞,秦雪梅. 逍遥散超临界CO 2 提取工艺及提取物GC-MS特征图谱初步研究[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2014, 39(4):674-678.

[109] 李金兵, 李翼鹏, 田俊生, 周玉枝*, 秦雪梅. 基于慢性温和不可预知应激模型内源性代谢物变化探讨抑郁症病理机制.中草药. 2013,44 (1):108-115. (一级主学报)

[110] 李金兵, 芦林林, 马致洁, 郭秉荣, 李翼鹏, 周玉枝*, 秦雪梅. 逍遥散各分离组份抗抑郁活性筛选研究.时珍国医国药. 2012,23 (9), 2139-2141.

[111] 任艳玲, 贾广成, 马致洁, 崔杰, 左亚妹, 秦雪梅, 周玉枝*. 逍遥散抗抑郁活性部位筛选. 时珍国医国药. 2012,23 (11):2689-2691.

[112] 贾广成, 史碧云, 李金兵, 周玉枝, 田俊生*, 秦雪梅. 逍遥散抗抑郁有效部位提取工艺筛选研究[J]. 山西医科大学学报, 2012, 43(11):825-829.

[113] 贾广成, 任艳玲, 周玉枝,. 逍遥散抗抑郁有效部位配伍对应激抑郁模型小鼠行为学及睡眠时间的影响[J]. 时珍国医国药, 2012(7):1684-1686.

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[123] 乔莉, 周玉枝, 陈欢, 姚遥, 徐剑锟, 裴月湖. 海洋细菌Bacillussp.次生代谢产物的研究. 中国药物化学杂志, 2008, 18 (3), 219-221.

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[126] 李瑞芬, 周玉枝, 乔莉, 付红伟, 裴月湖. 蒙古黄芪化学成分的分离与鉴定. 沈阳药科大学学报, 2007, 24 (1), 20-22.

[127] 周玉枝, 陈欢,乔莉,郝东方,华会明,裴月湖. 红花化学成分研究. 中国药物化学杂志, 2007, 17(6), 380-382.

[128] 曹家庆, 王亚男, 周玉枝, 乔莉, 陈欢, 裴月湖. 滇桂艾纳香化学成分的分离与鉴定(). 中国药物化学杂志, 2007, 18(6), 449-451.

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