陈建丽,博士,1990年4月生,山西长治人,目前主要从事中药药剂、纳米药物制备及应用等研究。已在Nano-Micro Letters、Chemical Engineering Journal、Pharmacology & Therapeutics、Advanced Science、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Small等高分top期刊发表SCI学术论文15篇,以第一作者发表6篇(影响因子分别为31.6,13.3,13.3,12.0,3.1,2.5)。
2020.09 – 2024.02,澳门科技大学,中药学,博士
2013.09 – 2016.06,山西大学,本草生物学,硕士
2009.09 – 2013.06,山西大学,生物工程,学士
2023.07-至今, 山西大学中医药现代研究中心
[1] J.-L. Chen, H. Zhang, X.-Q. Huang, H.‑Y. Wan, J. Li, X.‑X. Fan, K. Q. Luo, J. Wang, X.-M. Zhu*, J. F. Wang*, Antiangiogenesis-combined photothermal therapy in the second near-infrared window at laser powers below the skin tolerance threshold, Nano-Micro Letters, 2019, 11: 93. (IF: 26.6, 1区top)[2] J.-L. Chen, X.-H. Jia, X. Wu, M.-H. Yuan, X. Y. Xia, D. Yin. X. Chen, Z.-Y. Gu, J.-Z. Liu, L.-P. Bai, K. Q. Luo, J. F. Wang, X.-M. Zhu*, Kidney-targeted antioxidant salvianolic acid B nanoparticles restoring lysosome homeostasis for acute kidney injury therapy, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 490: 151811. (IF: 13.3, 1区top) [3] J.-L. Chen, X.-H. Jia, X. Y. Xia, X. Wu, X.-N. Xu, G. Yuan, Z.-Y. Gu, K. Q. Luo, M. H. Yuan, R. B. Jiang, J. F. Wang, X.-M. Zhu*, Codelivery of vorinostat and chloroquine by autophagy-inhibitory hollow ZrO2 nanoshells for synergistic combination chemotherapy, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471: 144740. (IF: 13.3, 1区top)[4] J.-L. Chen#, X. Wu#, D. Yin, X.-H. Jia, X. Chen, Z.-Y. Gu, X.-M. Zhu*, Autophagy inhibitors for cancer therapy: Small molecules and nanomedicines, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2023, 249: 108485. (IF: 12.0, 1区top)[5] J.-L. Chen#, T. Yu, X#. He, Y. Fu, L. Dai, B. Wang ,Y. Wu, J. B. He, Y. Li, F. Zhang, J. H. Zhao*, C. Liu*, Dual roles of hydrogen peroxide in promoting zebrafish renal repair and regeneration, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2019, 516: 680. (IF: 3.1)[6] J.-L. Chen, B.-Y. Shi, H. Xiang, W.-J. Hou, X.-M. Qin, J.-S. Tian*, G.-H. Du*, 1H NMR-based metabolic profiling of liver in chronic unpredictable mild stress rats with genipin treatment, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2015, 115: 150. (IF: 3.4)[7] H.-Y. Wan, J.-L. Chen, X. Z. Zhu, L. Liu, J. F. Wang*, X.-M. Zhu*, Titania‐coated gold nano‐bipyramids for blocking autophagy flux and sensitizing cancer cells to proteasome inhibitor‐induced death, Advanced Science, 2018, 5: 1700585. (IF: 15.1)[8] H. Zhang, J.-L. Chen, N. N. Li, R. B. Jiang, X.-M. Zhu*, J. F. Wang*, Au nanobottles with synthetically tunable overall and opening sizes for chemo-photothermal combined therapy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11: 5353. (IF: 9.5)[9] H.-Y. Wan, J.-L. Chen, X.-Y. Yu, X.-M. Zhu*, Titania-coated gold nanorods as an effective carrier for gambogic acid, RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 49518. (IF: 3.9)[10] X. Wu, L. Wang, Y.-N. Xu, J.-L. Chen, K. Q. Luo, M.-H. Yuan, J. Li, G. Yuan, Z-Y Gu, X.-H. Jia, X. P. Chen, X.-M. Zhu*, R. B. Jiang*, Chemo‐phototherapy with carfilzomib‐encapsulated TiN nanoshells suppressing tumor growth and lymphatic metastasis, Small, 2022, 29: 2200522. (IF: 15.1)[11] X. Z. Zhu, H. K. Yip, X. L. Zhuo, R. B. Jiang, J.-L. Chen, X.-M. Zhu, Z. Yang*, J. F. Wang*, Realization of red plasmon shifts up to 900 nm by AgPd-tipping elongated Au nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 39: 13837. (IF:16.3)[12] G. Yuan, Y.-N. Xu, X. P. Bai, W. M. Wang, X. Wu, J.-L Chen, J. Li, X.-H. Jia, Z.-Y. Gu, X. Zhang, W. Hu, J. F. Wang, Y. Liu*, X.-M. Zhu*, Autophagy-targeted calcium phosphate nanoparticles enable transarterial chemoembolization for enhanced cancer therapy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15:11431. (IF: 9.5)[13] T. Yu, F. Zhang, Y. Wu, J.-L. Chen, L. Dai, F. R. Li, X. L. Liu, C. Liu*, J. H. Zhao*, Detailed process analysis for glomerular capillary formation by immunofluorescence on ultra-thick sections, Gene Expression Patterns, 2020, 35: 119096. (IF: 1.4)[14] J.-S. Tian, S.-B. Liu, X.-Y. He, H. Xiang, J.-L. Chen, Y. Gao, Y.-Z. Zhou, X.-M. Qin, Metabolomics studies on corticosterone-induced PC12 cells: A strategy for evaluating an in vitro depression model and revealing the metabolic regulation mechanism, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 2018, 69: 27. (IF: 4.0)[15] H. F. Cai, Q. Ding, T. Bi, X. X. Xu, J.-L. Chen, X.-M. Zhu*, B. Y. Deng*, Plasmonic band tunable (au nanocrystal)/SnO2 core/shell hybrids for photothermal therapy, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2018, 10: 1800238. (IF: 3.4)[16]陈建丽, 田俊生*, 周玉枝, 高晓霞, 秦雪梅*, 基于代谢网络调控的逍遥散抗抑郁作用机制研究进展. 中草药, 2015, 45: 2100.[17]陈建丽, 高耀, 秦雪梅*, 田俊生*, 基于网络药理学的复方柴归方超临界 CO2萃取组分的抗抑郁作用机制. 药学学报, 2016, 51: 388.[18]陈建丽, 孙海峰, 秦雪梅, 田俊生*, 逍遥散对慢性温和不可预知应激诱导抑郁模型大鼠盲肠炎症应答相关基因表达的影响. 中国药理学与毒理学杂志, 2015, 29: 552.[19]何小燕, 陈建丽, 向欢, 高耀, 田俊生*, 秦雪梅*, 杜冠华,谷氨酸和皮质酮诱导的PC12抑郁症细胞模型差异性的1H NMR代谢组学研究. 药学学报, 2017, 52: 245.[20]那丽丹, 陈建丽, 秦雪梅, 田俊生*.基于1H-NMR代谢组学的阿胶化学成分差异性分析方法初探. 中草药, 2015, 17, 2573.[21]陈磊, 刘欢, 陈建丽, 高晓霞, 周玉枝, 田俊生*, 秦雪梅*, 基于神经内分泌激素和代谢组学关联分析的复方柴归方抗抑郁作用机制研究. 中国中药杂志, 2015, 20: 4080.[22]田俊生, 那丽丹, 向欢, 陈建丽, 马晓晴, 秦雪梅*.基于核磁代谢组学的驴皮与其伪品的鉴别研究. 中草药, 2015, 2: 255.
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