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1、  Xiao-Jie Liu,*, Yu-Zhi Zhou,*, Zhong-Feng Li, Jie Cui, Zhen-Yu Lia,, Xiao-Xia Gao,Hai-Feng Sun, Li-Zeng Zhang, Guan-Hua Due and Xue-Mei Qin . Anti-depressant effects of Xiaoyaosan on rat model of chronic unpredictable mild stress: A plasma metabonomics study based on NMR spectroscopy. Journal  of Pharmacy and pharmacology. 642012 578–588
2、  Xiao-Jie Liu, Zhen-Yu Li, Zhong-Feng Li, Xiao-Xia Gao, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Hai-Feng Sun, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xiao-Qing Guo, Guan-Hua Du and Xue-Mei Qin*. Urinary metabonomic study using a CUMS rat model of Depression . Magnetic resonance in Chemistry. 502012187–192.
3、  Zhen-Yu Li , Hai-Juan Zhi, Shui-Yu Xue, Hai-Feng Sun, Fu-Sheng Zhang, Jin-Ping Jia , Jie Xing, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xue-Mei Qin, Metabolomic profiling of the flower bud and rachis of Tussilago farfara with antitussive and expectorant effects on mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 140 (2012) 83–90.
4、  Hai-Juan Zhi, Xue-Mei Qin, Hai-Feng Sun, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xiao-Qing Guo and Zhen-Yu Li*. Metabolic fingerprinting of Tussilago farfara L.Using 1H-NMR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Data Analysis. Phytochemical analysis. 23 (2012) 492–501
5、  Xiang Huan, Tian Junsheng*, Zhang Zuoguang. Antidepression of Ping Yu Formula via the regulationof cAMP signaling pathway. 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology. 2012:60-63.
6、  郭晓擎,向欢,田俊生* 史碧云,张丽增,秦雪梅. PDE4 为靶标从中草药中发现抗抑郁药物.山西医科大学学报2012 43 7 ):554-556
7、  郭晓擎,田俊生*,史碧云,邢婕,贾金萍,张丽增,秦雪梅. 南柴胡和北柴胡组成的逍遥散抗抑郁作用的1H-NMR 代谢组学研究. 中草药 . 201243 11 ):2209-2216
8、  Jun-sheng Tian, Bi-yun Shi, Xue-mei Qin* Peng Zhi. 1H NMR metabonomic study on the antidepression of Xiao-yao-san series prescriptions in rat plasma. 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and BiotechnologyICBEB.2012: 1-4
9、  郭晓擎,田俊生*,贾广成,周玉枝,李金兵,秦雪梅.不同工艺萃取逍遥散中挥发性成分的气相色谱-质谱联用比较分析.时珍国医国药. 2012234):839-841
10、            秦雪梅,孔增科,张丽增,邢婕,贾金萍.中药材辨状论质解读及商品规格标准研究思路.中草药. 201243 11):2903-2908
11、            崔杰,郭秉荣,任艳玲,秦雪梅,高晓霞*. 逍遥散不同提取部位对慢性轻度不可预知应激模型大鼠行为学及海马中单胺类神经递质的影响. 中国医药工业杂志2012, 437):584-587.
12、            贾广成,史碧云,李金兵,周玉枝,田俊生,秦雪梅*.逍遥散抗抑郁有效部位提取工艺筛选研究.山西医科大学学报2012 4311 ):825-829
13、            郭秉荣杨岚刘佳丽秦雪梅高晓霞*CUMS诱导抑郁大鼠血清和海马中神经递质的变化,2012年中国药理学会抗炎免疫药理学学术会议,2012/12/1-2012/12/3.
14、            贾广成,任艳玲,周玉枝* ,田俊生,秦雪梅.逍遥散抗抑郁有效部位配伍对应激抑郁模型小鼠行为学及睡眠时间的影响.时珍国医国药.2012 23 7 ):1684-1686
15、            贾广成,田俊生,周玉枝,李金兵,郭晓擎,李寅生,秦雪梅.逍遥散类方及其分离组分抗抑郁作用的筛选研究. 辽宁中医杂志. 2012 391 ):11-14
16、            李金兵,芦林林,马致洁,郭秉荣,李翼鹏,周玉枝* ,秦雪梅. 逍遥散各分离组份抗抑郁活性筛选研究. 时珍国医国药.  2012,2392139-2141.
17、            王雪洁,李震宇,薛水玉,张福生,邢婕,秦雪梅*. 基于植物代谢组学技术的远志不同炮制品质量控制研究.中草药.2012,439:1727-1737.
18、            张丽增,张慧芳,刘晓节,郭小青,秦雪梅. 基于HPLC 指纹图谱多软件分析的山西远志药材质量均一性评价. 山西医科大学学报.2012,437:498-502
19、            支海娟,孙海峰,支鹏,李震宇*,秦雪梅. 基于NMR的植物代谢组学技术研究款冬花蕾动态化学成分变化.植物研究. 2012324):458-466
20、            刘晓节,胡杰,张福生,李震宇,秦雪梅.红北柴胡药效作用初探.辽宁中医杂志.2012,394):712-714
21、            Yuzhi Zhou,, Yanling Ren, Zhijie Ma, Guangcheng Jia, Xiaoxia Gao, Lizeng Zhang, Xuemei Qin,. Identification and quantification of the major volatile constituents in antidepressant active fraction of Xiaoyaosan by Gas chromatography –mass spectrometry. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 141 (2012) 187– 192
22、            任艳玲, 贾广成,马致洁,崔杰,左亚妹,秦雪梅,周玉枝*. 逍遥散抗抑郁活性部位筛选.时珍国医国药. 201223 11):2689-2691
23、              杰,刘晓节,秦雪梅*,马致洁,邢婕,张丽增,郭小青. HPLC柱前衍生化乏测定柴胡皂苷ad的条件优化研究.中草药.201243(2)288-292
24、            薛水玉,王雪洁孙海峰,张丽增,秦雪梅,李震宇*. 基于气质联用的款冬花蕾动态发育代谢组学特征分析. 中国中药杂志. 2012, 3719: 2683-2689.
25、            薛水玉,郑兴宇,窦春艳,李震宇,秦雪梅. 文拉法辛和氟西汀抗抑郁作用机制和药效特点的代谢组学研究. 中国药学杂志. 2012, 471: 29-33
26、            Shui-Yu Xue , Zhen-Yu Li ,*, Hai-Juan Zhi , Hai-Feng Sun , Li-Zeng Zhang ,Xiao-Qing Guo, Xue-Mei Qin ,*.Metabolic Fingerprinting investigation of Tussilago farfara L. by GC-MS and Multivariate DATA and Ecology. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology .41 (2012) 6–12

Yu-Zhi Zhou, Xing-Yu Zheng , Xiao-Jie Liu , Zhen-Yu Li , Xiao-Xia Gao, Hai-Feng Sun, Li-Zeng Zhang, Xiao-Qing Guo,  Guan-Hua Du,  Xue-Mei Qin . Metabonomic Analysis of Urine from Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Rats Using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry. Chromatographia 75 (2012)157–164

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