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2. Zhang FS, Wang QY, Pu YJ, Chen TY, Qin XM, Gao J. Identification of Genes Involved in Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Sophora japonica Through Transcriptome Sequencing. Chem Biodivers. 2017 Oct 30.
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4. Zhou YZ, Yan ML, Gao L, Zhang JQ, Qin XM, Zhang X, Du GH. Metabonomics approach to assessing the metabolism variation and gender gap of Drosophila melanogaster in aging process. Exp Gerontol. 2017, 98:110-119.
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6. Li AP, Li ZY, Qu TL, Qin XM, DU GH. Nuclear magnetic resonance based metabolomic differentiation of different Astragali Radix. Chin J Nat Med. 2017 May;15(5):363-374.
7. Duan DD, Wang KX, Zhou YZ, Qin XM, Gao L, Du GH. Baicalein Exerts Beneficial Effects in d-Galactose-Induced Aging Rats Through Attenuation of Inflammation and Metabolic Dysfunction. Rejuvenation Res. 2017 Nov 8.
8. Zhou YZ, Li X, Gong WX, Tian JS, Gao XX, Gao L, Zhang X, Du GH, Qin XM. Protective effect of isoliquiritin against corticosterone-induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cells. Food Funct. 2017, 8(3):1235-1244.
9. Xing J, Sun HM, Jia JP, Qin XM, Li ZY. Integrative hepatoprotective efficacy comparison of raw and vinegar-baked Radix Bupleuri using nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2017, 138:215-222.
10. Zhen-Yu Li, Jing Li, Zheng-Zheng Zhang, Xia Mi, Guan-Hua Du, Xue-Mei Qin, NMR-based metabolomic analyses for the componential differences and the corresponding metabolic responses of three batches of Farfarae Flos, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2017, 165, 1-10.
11. Jing Li, Wei Gao, Jining Gao, Hong Li, Xiang Zhang, Xuemei Qina and Zhenyu Li. Metabolomics reveal the protective effect of Farfarae Flos against asthma using an OVA-induced rat model. RSC Adv., 2017,7, 39929-39939.
12. Jun-sheng Tian, Xiao Zhang, Huan Liu, Huan Xiang, Jie Xing, Li-zeng Zhang and Xue-mei Qin. The hematinic effect of Colla corii asini (Ejiao) using 1H-NMR metabolomics coupled with correlation analysis in APH-induced anemic rats. RSC Adv., 2017,7, 8952-8962.
13. Kai-Qing Ma, Yan-Hong Miao, Xiao-Xia Gao, Jian-Bin Chao, Xiang Zhang, Xue-Mei Qin. Total syntheses of bupleurynol and its analog. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2017, 28, 1035-1038.
14. Kai-Qing Ma, Yan-Hong Miao, Xiao Li, Yu-Zhi Zhou, Xiao-Xia Gao, Xiang Zhang, Jian-Bin Chao and Xue-Mei Qin. Discovery of 1,3-diyne compounds as novel and potent antidepressant agents: synthesis, cell-based assay and behavioral studies. RSC Adv., 2017,7, 16005-16014.
15. Li J, Hao C, Liu X, Qin X. Differential evolutionary dynamics of Enterovirus D68 from countries of different continents. Future Virol. (2017) 12(1), 29–35.
16. Yuetao Liu, Jiajia Cui,Yinghuan Hu,Guanhua Du, Xuemei Qin. Integrating untargeted metabonomics, partial least square regression analysis and MetPA to explore the targeted pathways involved into Huangqi Jiangzhong Tang against chronic atrophic gastritis rats. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 164 (2017) 16–25.
17. Yu-Zhi Zhou, Fan-Fan Zhao, Li Gao, Guan-Hua Du, Xiang Zhang and Xue-Mei Qin. Licorice extract attenuates brain aging of D-galactose induced rats through inhibition of oxidative stress and attenuation of neuronal apoptosis. RSC Adv., 2017,7, 47758-47766.
18. Li J, Zhang ZZ, Lei ZH, Qin XM, Li ZY. NMR based metabolomic comparison of the antitussive and expectorant effect of Farfarae Flos collected at different stages. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2018, 150: 377-385.
19. Dan-Dan Duan, Li Gao, Xue-Ling Zhang, Jian-Qin Zhang, Xue-Mei Qin, Guan-Hua Du. Increased life-span of Drosophila melanogaster by Flavonoids from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi induced by hydrogen peroxide. TMR Integrative Medicine 2017 December; 3(1): 79-85.
20. 王楠,高晓霞,代子彦,郝晋琪,秦雪梅.鹿茸药效物质基础、药理作用、临床应用及质量控制的研究进展[J].中草药,2017,48(22):4784-4790.
21. 李佳琪,高丽,周玉枝,秦雪梅,杜冠华.衰老性学习记忆减退相关的脑内单胺类神经递质研究进展[J].药学学报,2017,52(11):1639-1646.
22. 宋佳,高晓霞,田俊生,秦雪梅,杜冠华,周玉枝.中药药对配伍机制的现代研究[J]. 中草药,2017,48(21):4367-4374.
23. 赵玉娇,高耀,周玉枝,田俊生,秦雪梅.白术在神经精神系统疾病中的药理作用及机制研究进展[J].中草药,2017,48(21):4546-4551.
24. 贾岩,邢婕,雷振宏,郭冬,王玉龙,秦雪梅,李震宇.款冬花药材质量评价方法的研究现状及分析[J].中草药,2017,48(21):4578-4583.
25. 李爱平,陈佳佳,李震宇,秦雪梅.基于核磁指纹图谱黄芪药材均一性评价研究
26. 王珂欣,高丽,周玉枝,秦雪梅,杜冠华.苦参碱抗肝癌细胞增殖的~1H-NMR 代谢组学研究[J].中草药,2017,48(20):4275-4283.
27. 史静超,高晓霞,李浩,张斌,秦雪梅,杜冠华.中药复方治疗轻度认知障碍的研究进展[J].中药药理与临床,2017,33(05):215-220.
28. 苗延红,马开庆,秦雪梅.1,3-二炔类天然产物的合成及生物活性研究进展[J].天然产物研究与开发,2017,29(09):1608-1616.
29. 赵凡凡,李肖,高丽,秦雪梅,杜冠华,周玉枝.甘草水提物干预 D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠的肝脏代谢组学研究[J].中草药,2017,48(17):3545-3553.
30. 张敏,杜晨晖,李津,李爱平,闫艳,宋强.基于血清代谢组学比较葛根芩连汤饮片与煮散对 2 型糖尿病大鼠的干预作用[J].药学学报,2017,52(09):1444-1451.
31. 蒲雅洁,王丹丹,闫艳,田洪岭,彭冰,秦雪梅,马存根,杜晨晖,胡本祥,张福生.栽培远志中次级代谢物含量变化的影响因素分析 [J]. 中国中药杂志,2017,42(16):3167-3177.
32. 王娟娟,秦雪梅,高晓霞,张斌,王佩义,郝晋琪,杜冠华.杜仲化学成分、药理活性和质量控制现状研究进展[J].中草药,2017,48(15):3228-3237.
33. 李静 , 秦雪梅 , 李震宇 . 款冬花中倍半萜类成分的研究进展 [J]. 中草药,2017,48(14):2964-2971.
34. 陈萌,李爱平,李科,秦雪梅.防己黄芪汤 HPLC-UV/ELSD 指纹图谱研究[J].中草药,2017,48(13):2653-2659.
35. 赵思俊,赵晓喆,向欢,秦雪梅,田俊生.基于代谢通路调控的沙棘籽油抗抑郁作用机制研究[J].中草药,2017,48(13):2682-2690.
36. 张福生,陈彤垚,王丹丹,闫艳,田洪岭,秦雪梅, 薛晓利存根.远志药材商品规格等级与品质的关联性研究进展[J].中草药,2017,48(12):2538-2547.
37. 贾岩,张福生,肖淑贤,关扎根,雷振宏,秦雪梅,李震宇.款冬花不同发育阶段的代谢组学和比较转录组学分析 [J]. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报,2017,33(06):615-623.
38. 赵蕾,武嫣斐,向欢,张丽增,秦雪梅,田俊生.心理亚健康现代研究进展[J].中国药理学与毒理学杂志,2017,31(06):590-596.
39. 王珂欣,高丽,周玉枝,张建琴,秦雪梅,杜冠华.基于网络药理学的苦参碱抗肝癌作用及机制研究[J].药学学报,2017,52(06):888-896.
40. 胡英还,许文倩,秦雪梅,刘月涛.UHPLC-QExactive 轨道肼高分辨质谱在线快速识别黄芪建中汤的化学成分[J].药学学报,2017,52(06):964-970.
41. 李强,杜晨晖,张敏,闫艳,高耀,秦雪梅.血清化学与网络药理学关联研究酸枣仁的体内效应成分[J].中草药,2017,48(10):1936-1943.
42. 薛晓利,张建琴,宋少娟,李震宇,秦雪梅.秀丽隐杆线虫衰老与衰老相关神经退行性疾病模型及药物筛选研究进展 [J]. 中国药理学与毒理学杂志,2017,31(05):429-438.
43. 贾岩,赵思俊,秦雪梅,李震宇.苦荞水提取物对糖尿病模型大鼠降糖作用的代谢组学研究[J].营养学报,2017,39(02):177-182.
44. 熊一峰,万燕晴,李科,李震宇,秦雪梅.山西恒山地区蒙古传统黄芪和移栽黄芪的质量差异研究[J].中草药,2017,48(08):1635-1643.
45. 张潇,高耀,向欢,秦雪梅,田俊生.基于网络药理学的交泰丸治疗抑郁症作用机制研究[J].中草药,2017,48(08):1584-1590.
46. 李静,魏玉海,秦雪梅,李震宇.基于 NMR 代谢组学技术的当归不同部位化学成分比较[J].中草药,2017,48(07):1409-1415.
47. 赵晓喆,赵思俊,田俊生,高晓霞,张斌,王佩义,秦雪梅,杜冠华.基于药效作用的龟龄集物质基础研究进展[J].中草药,2017,48(07):1424-1431.
48. 王桂臻,郝霞,刘磊,李震宇,秦雪梅,杜冠华,张翔,李科.基于氯甲酸乙酯二次衍生化的 GC-MS 法同时测定生物样本中 20 种氨基酸 [J]. 药学学报,2017,52(04):615-619.
49. 周玉枝,闫明亮,高丽,秦雪梅,杜冠华.衰老动物模型的研究及其在抗衰老药物活性筛选中的应用[J].中草药,2017,48(06):1061-1071.
50. 赵凡凡,周玉枝,高丽,秦雪梅,杜冠华.D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠模型的研究进展[J]. 药学学报,2017,52(03):347-354.
51. 张峰,方媛,周玉枝,田俊生,秦雪梅,高晓霞.UPLC-PDA 同时测定柴胡中 8 种多炔类化合物的含量[J].中国中药杂志,2017,42(09):1704-1710.
52. 王桂臻,郝霞,刘磊,李震宇,秦雪梅,李科.黄芪花中主要化学成分的定性及定量分析[J].山西医科大学学报,2017,48(02):136-143.
53. 闫艳,李强,杜晨晖,贾金萍,冯红霞,秦雪梅.基于体内-体外物质组关联分析酸枣仁潜在效应物质[J].药学学报,2017,52(02):283-290.
54. 王珂欣,高丽,段丹丹,周玉枝,秦雪梅,杜冠华.基于~1H-NMR 代谢组学的黄芩素干预 D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠作用研究[J].中草药,2017,48(03):511-518.
55. 何小燕,陈建丽,向欢,高耀,田俊生,秦雪梅,杜冠华.谷氨酸和皮质酮诱导的
PC12 抑郁症细胞模型差异性的 ~1HNMR 代谢组学研究 [J]. 药学学报,2017,52(02):245-252.
56. 仝家羽,赵嵘,代云桃,范自全,王丹丹,秦雪梅,陈士林.麻黄标准汤剂质量评价体系的建立[J].中国中药杂志,2017,42(05):823-829.
57. 赵蕾,武嫣斐,高耀,向欢,秦雪梅,田俊生.基于网络药理学的百合地黄汤干预心理亚健康作用机制研究[J].药学学报,2017,52(01):99-105.
58. 蒲雅洁 , 王丹丹 , 张福生 , 秦雪梅 , 詹志来 . 远志的本草考证 [J]. 中草药,2017,48(01):211-218.
59. 仝家羽,赵嵘,代云桃,范自全,王丹丹,李琦,秦雪梅.当归标准汤剂质量评价体系的建立[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2017,23(07):18-23.
60. 赵玉娇,徐文慧,沈小丽,田俊生,秦雪梅.白术中内酯类成分的 TLC 鉴别与
UPLC 含量测定[J].中国中药杂志,2017,42(03):531-535.
61. 张潇,田俊生,刘欢,秦雪梅.抗抑郁中药新药研发进展[J].中国中药杂志,2017,42(01):29-33.
62. 薛立英,高丽,秦雪梅,杜冠华,周玉枝.药食同源中药抗衰老研究进展[J].食品科学,2017,38(15):302-309.
63. 李震宇,段亚辉,秦雪梅,杜冠华.中药质量差异性研究的思考[J].药学学报
64. 庞溢媛,薛立英,郑艳红,周玉枝,秦雪梅,杜冠华,张翔.基于UHPLC-MS/MS代谢组学技术的不同采收期黄芩质量比较研究[J].药学学报,2017(12):1903-1909.
65. 张峰, 秦雪梅, 杜冠华, 高晓霞.抗抑郁药物的体内代谢研究进展.药学学报,2017, 52(12):1791-1800.
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